The Election




Along with the many kind emails I receive through my contact page, during the past few months I have received a number of messages asking me to post an endorsement for our upcoming presidential election. While I am flattered and appreciate the trust placed in my abilities, I will tactfully decline this honor.


To all those who hope to make the best choice for this important decision, please investigate, research and double check everything you feel is important in a national candidate. In other words, “Dig in”!


We are fortunate to have a tremendous amount of information right on the internet, just a few keystrokes away. On the other hand, vetting that information for validity requires further digging.


When I am digging into an issue or conducting research, I always try to look at a minimum of three sources, and quite often more. And not just sources I am comfortable with. I also go through information published by sources I am uncomfortable with, if nothing else just to see what the other guy “sees”. And if their information has validity, I keep that in mind, for future reference.


In addition to the internet, there are still many magazines and newspapers putting out information on everything from A to Z. Talk radio is also a good place for applicable information to chew on. (Being hearing impaired, talk radio is not much help to me)


As far as specific news sources, I usually look to BBC, Reuters, Associated Press, and The Wall Street Journal for straight up information. I also look at Fox News, CNN and other networks who lean heavily to one side or the other, as this gives you a feel for all the angles. I scan through Google News, Yahoo News, NBC, and other common news platforms, then validate the information using the specific sources. On many topics I select sources specializing in those areas. For example, I use a few military news outlets, for information involving military matters. On topics for medical issues the Mayo Clinic website is one I depend on, among others.


I don’t often quibble over sporting news sources, as scores, statistics, schedules etc., are fairly straight forward; but don’t get me started on my favorite teams and athletes. 😀 And of course, weather forecasts are up for grabs, but who’s going to argue with the weather lady.  😉


Now having said all that, be your own best friend. Do your best to find the facts regarding important issues and ferret out the candidate who best matches your convictions. Win or lose, you will have done all you can. Now take a break and go fishing.  🙂




Copyright protected, all rights reserved © Joe Campolo Jr

About the Author

Joe Campolo Jr.

Joe Campolo, Jr. is an award winning author, poet and public speaker. A Vietnam War Veteran, Joe writes and speaks about the war and many other topics. See the "Author Page" of this website for more information on Joe. Guest writers on Joe's blogs will have a short bio with each article. Select blogs by category and enjoy the many other articles available here. Joe's popular books are available thru Amazon, this website, and many other on-line book stores.

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