Artwork of the Vietnam War

All artwork obtained with permission, page copyright protected, all rights reserved © Joe Campolo Jr



If you are interested in obtaining any of the artwork by Mr. Trieu Hai Hoang contact:
Mr. Chau Pham, via email,






Artist unknown

At night, there’s a breeze. The river is beautiful. You could be forgiven for thinking there was no war; that the gunshots were fireworks; that only pleasure matters. A pipe of opium, or the touch of a girl who might tell you she loves you.    ∼ Graham Greene; The Quiet American






Broken Arrow by Tom Freeman






I didn’t want a monument,
Not even one as sober as that vast black wall of broken lives.
I didn’t want a postage stamp,
I didn’t want a road beside the Delaware river proclaiming Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway.
What I wanted was a simple recognition of the limits of our power as a nation to inflict our will upon others.
What I wanted was an understanding that the world is neither black and white, nor ours.
What I wanted was an end to monuments.
~Author, unknown








Phantom in the Central Highlands, artwork by Robert Taylor







Creator, unknown

Never again will one generation of Veterans abandon another.
∼ Vietnam Veterans of America






“No Man Left Behind”, by Arthur Benjamins







Artist unknown







Hueys enroute, Artist unknown






Fast mover, on duty over dangerous skies, Artist unknown







Artwork by วิคเตอร์ ทรีกุูบ






Large scale insertion Artist unknown






B-52, Operation Arc Light, Artwork by Bob Stewart






Artwork by Trieu






Air America (CIA) chopper shooting down a Russian made North Vietnamese bi-plane, somewhere over Cambodia or Laos. Artist unknown.









Artwork by Joe Kline








Artist unknown






Rescue, by Алексей Петров







Artwork by Trieu Hai Hoang








Artwork by Joe Kline








Artwork of Trieu Hai Hoang







USAF AC-130 Gunship, artist unknown















U.S. Navy Skyhawk, artist unknown







Incoming chopper, artwork by Joe Kline






Artwork of Trieu Hai Hoang








Dust off by Joe Kline













U.S. Navy Skyhawk over North Vietnam, artwork by Gareth Hector













Artwork by Mads Bangso











Photo from magazine Tour 365, enhanced by Erik Villard


















Artwork of Trieu Hai Hoang













Logo for one of the Vietnam Veterans groups Joe belongs to














Artwork by Gary D. Harrington








Artist unknown









Artwork designed by Joe Campolo Jr

















Artwork by Farris J. Parker, “Self-Portrait.”




















Artwork by Keith Ferris















Art of Jeanne Walker Harvey













The character “Nick”, from “The Deerhunter” prior to his departure to Vietnam

Nick, six months into his tour









Artwork for my latest book, “On War, Fishing and Philosophy”. Artwork by Trieu












Trieu among his artwork












Artwork, Paul Rickert































Artwork by Howard David Johnson

























F-105 Wild Weasel, artwork by Antonis Karydis

















Artist unknown




















“Gunner” by bongoshock



















Artwork by Trieu Hai Hoang




























Artist unknown


















Photo credit Linh Tran

































Artwork of Trieu Hai Hoang






















Artwork of Trieu Hai Hoang












Artwork of Trieu Hai Hoang













Artwork of Trieu Hai Hoang













Artwork of Trieu Hai Hoang















Artwork of Trieu Hai Hoang





















Artwork of Trieu Hai Hoang
















Artwork of Trieu Hai Hoang














Artwork of Trieu Hai Hoang
















“Stairway to Heaven”, Artist Unknown
















Artist, unknown















Refugee boat, artist unknown

















Artist, PFC Gary Porter



















Artist, William S Phillips

















Artwork by Farris J. Parker




























The Starship, by Vietnam War Veteran George Langford

















artist unknown