Guest Writer – Rhonda Underhill; Learning Beyond the Battlefield



Today’s guest article is provided by Rhonda Underhill. Rhonda is a health care advocate for senior citizens, veterans and persons with disabilities.

After a health crisis involving her husband Pete, Rhonda and Pete dedicated themselves to healthy living through diet, exercise and awareness. Rhonda created a website dedicated to the health and well being of seniors.




Learning Beyond the Battlefield: College Success for Veterans

Transitioning from military service to college life presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for veterans. The shift can be exciting, opening new doors for personal and professional growth. To assist in this significant change, we have carefully curated eight vital tips. These guidelines shared courtesy of Joe Campolo Jr. are designed to ease your transition and ensure a smooth and successful entry into college life.


Charting the Course: Picking the Right College

Researching veteran-friendly schools is essential in your transition to college, as these institutions offer specialized programs and resources tailored to your needs, including counseling and financial advice. These colleges understand the unique challenges faced by veterans, providing dedicated centers and networking opportunities for a smoother integration into academic life. Selecting a school that supports your background can greatly enhance your college experience, ensuring a more seamless and enjoyable transition.


Keeping Your Ducks in a Row: Document Organization

In the college application journey, staying organized is crucial, particularly for managing essential documents. It’s beneficial to store all your college-related paperwork in a single, accessible location, ensuring that your documents maintain their formatting and content across various devices. This practice minimizes any compatibility or formatting concerns. There are plenty of online resources designed to help you manage your documents seamlessly, providing functionalities like conversion, compression, editing, and reorganization. For more insights into these resources and tips on optimizing your document management, explore further information available online.


Building a Support Network: Joining Veteran Groups

Joining a veteran group is an excellent way to build a support network. These groups provide a platform to connect with peers who share similar experiences, offering camaraderie and understanding that can be crucial during this transition. Engaging with fellow veterans can lead to lifelong friendships and a support system that extends beyond your college years. These communities often organize events, workshops, and social gatherings, providing both personal and professional benefits.


Setting Academic Goals: The Role of Academic Advisors

Meeting with an academic advisor is an essential step in your educational journey. They can guide you through course selections, credit transfers, and help you chart a clear path towards your degree. Their expertise can be invaluable in saving you time and ensuring that you make decisions that align with your academic and career goals. Academic advisors can also connect you to resources and opportunities within the college, enhancing your overall academic experience.


Flexibility is Key: Exploring Online Learning

Earning a degree online offers unparalleled flexibility and accessibility, allowing students to balance their education with personal and professional commitments. For example, by pursuing an online degree in psychology, learners can delve into the intricate cognitive and affective processes that underpin human behavior, equipping themselves to offer vital support to those requiring assistance. With the convenience of online learning, individuals have the opportunity to work full-time while seamlessly integrating their academic pursuits. If you’re considering advancing your education in a manner that accommodates your lifestyle, this one deserves a look.


Balancing Act: Managing Your Academic Load

It’s crucial to manage your academic load carefully, especially as a non-traditional student. Take into account your personal and professional commitments when selecting courses each semester. It’s important to avoid overloading yourself, as maintaining a healthy balance between work, life, and study is key to your success and well-being. It’s okay to pace yourself and remember that your college journey is a marathon, not a sprint.


Mapping Your Future: Career Counseling Services

Utilizing career counseling services offered by your college can be incredibly beneficial. These services can help you translate your military skills and experiences into civilian career opportunities. Career counselors can assist you with resume writing, job searching, and interview preparation, equipping you with the tools needed to succeed in the civilian workforce.


Educational Benefits: Understanding Your Entitlements

Understanding your educational benefits, such as the Post-9/11 GI Bill, is crucial in financing your education. Familiarize yourself with the various resources available to veterans, and learn how to access them effectively. This knowledge will not only ease the financial burden of your education but also ensure you fully utilize the benefits you are entitled to.


Transitioning to college life as a veteran can be a manageable and rewarding experience. By adhering to these eight pivotal tips, you can confidently navigate the complexities of the college transition. Embrace this educational journey to maximize your potential and pave the way for success in your civilian life.




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About the Author

Joe Campolo Jr.

Joe Campolo, Jr. is an award winning author, poet and public speaker. A Vietnam War Veteran, Joe writes and speaks about the war and many other topics. See the "Author Page" of this website for more information on Joe. Guest writers on Joe's blogs will have a short bio with each article. Select blogs by category and enjoy the many other articles available here. Joe's popular books are available thru Amazon, this website, and many other on-line book stores.

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