Most of the characters in my books are based upon real people, and the character known as Arnold Redmond, (Red) is no exception. Red’s inspiration was Jim Northrup, a Native American of the Ojibwa tribe. Jim was also a United States Marine Corps Vietnam War veteran, a fellow author, speaker and poet. Sadly, Jim passed away in 2016 and the world is a lesser place without him.
Jim and I did not serve in Vietnam under the same unit, or even during the same time, however we developed a friendship through our mutual experiences as Vietnam War veterans who write.
Jim wrote poetry and prose about his experiences in Vietnam, and also as a Native American, as well as life on the reservation where he lived in Northern Minnesota. Much of Jim’s writing was profound, but Jim was also a humorist who could poke fun at all of us, including himself.
Jim was an entertaining speaker, and I finally met him in person at the LZ Lambeau Vietnam Veteran event in Green Bay, Wisconsin in 2010. While Jim was there as a speaker, I was there as a volunteer, helping out directing traffic in the parking lots. LZ Lambeau was a superb event which lasted three days and was enjoyed by thousands of Veterans along with their families and friends. My son Billy and his wife Jessica joined me at the event on its final day.
There were many fine speakers at LZ Lambeau, and I believe Jim was one of the most captivating as he received several standing ovations for his presentation. I was very moved by it.
Through our correspondence, Jim encouraged my writing and offered advice whenever asked. He was pleased with the results of The Kansas NCO and his role in it, and I can solidly say the work benefited through his influence.
Jim passed away shortly after The Kansas NCO sequel, Back to the World was published, but his character, Arnold Redmond, had a prominent role in that book and also in the third book of the trilogy Three Wars. I believe Jim would have enjoyed them as well.
My goal in developing Arnold Redmond’s character was to reflect all of the attributes I saw in Jim. I believe I have succeeded in that endeavor.
With a screen play written for The Kansas NCO, Arnold Redmond and all of the characters from the book may hit the big screen at some time in the future.

Charissa Gracyk’s screenplay for The Kansas NCO envisions Arnold Redmond being played by Bronson Pelletier
Jim’s writing can be found on Amazon and also many other on-line book venues. I believe you will enjoy his writings.
My blog article The Heart of a Warrior, the Soul of a Writer; August 9, 2016 is dedicated to Jim.
Through my friendship with Jim, I became acquainted with Arne Vainio, a Native American physician, author and speaker. Arne was kind enough to share one of his articles on my blog. The Promise of a Warrior; March 12, 2018.
The Heart of a Warrior, The soul of a Writer
Jim Northrup’s work:
Guest article by Arne Vainio,The Promise of a Warrior
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