With friends and family on a Canadian fly-in fishing trip, some years ago Every fisherman who’s gone on a Canadian fishing trip, has many stories to tell, and most everyone has a favorite trip. (Or two) I’ve gone nine times and very much enjoyed all but one. That trip was ruined by severe […]
Category: Hunting & Fishing tails
A boat is a hole in the water you pour money into. ∼Author unknown I sold our travel trailer this summer. It had been on a seasonal site at a campground in Central Wisconsin for the past several years. Prior to that we had a mobile home on Lake Puckaway, not too […]
After my military service ended in 1972, I made a brief visit home, then moved back to Southern California as I had enjoyed my time out there very much. I stayed out there for a few more years, moving back to Wisconsin only after a weak job market with few prospects left me […]
Rick Wehler shares the story of his first fishing trip to Canada, many years ago. I must comment with discretion regarding Rick’s fishing ability, as he has many vicious squirrels in his employ, and will not hesitate to send them my way if I’m not careful! 😀 Thanks for the memories, Rick! […]
When the old dream, the young return ~Joe Most kids who grew up on the southside of Kenosha back in the day, were familiar with a wooded area just south of 22nd Avenue, where it curves west to Springbrook Road. (Just past St. Theresa’s […]
I got 99 problems and fishin’ solves all of em– Earl Dibbles Jr. I like to fish, been fishing since I was a little kid, fished all over Kenosha, all over Wisconsin, and many other parts of the U.S. Canada, and a few other […]
I love fishing. You put that line in the water and you don’t know what’s on the other end. Your imagination is under there. – Robert Altman. Growing up in Kenosha, Wisconsin in the 50’s and 60’s afforded us many places to fish. Of course, our favorite was fishing for […]
Sometimes having fun with your best friend is all the therapy you need. ~ Author Unknown Introduction My life long best friend Jim passed away a few years ago. All of us who knew him still miss him very much. In addition to being a good hearted […]
I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world. ~George Washington Whenever autumn arrives my thoughts turn to pheasant hunting; one of my favorite activities throughout the years. My best friend Jim and I hunted and fished together for many years, until he passed away unexpectedly some time […]
Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not the fish they are after. ~Henry David Thoreau I’ve gotten some very nice emails and notes regarding my perch fishing story in “Our Wisconsin” magazine. The story, which is also on my blog, recalls those “good old” days […]