
Joe’s having another event….stop by!












**After several years of a busy schedule, Joe has cut back on speaking engagements and book events. He has enjoyed all of them thoroughly and is grateful for the many opportunities he has had. Thank you to all who support his writing. If you are in need of a speaker or presenter for an event, send a message through the contact page.

Keep your eye on the website for new blogs, Vietnam War artwork, nature photos and Life as a Human updates.

Quotes from Joe and others will be posted throughout the website and updated frequently.





On Wednesday, March 26, 2025 I will be at the Rhode Center for the Arts in Kenosha, Wisconsin from 11AM till 1 signing copies of all of my books.

Stop by for some great soup and pick up a book!




On Friday, Feb 28th, 2025, from 9AM till 11AM, I will join fellow author and Navy veteran Steve Tindall for a book signing at the American Heroes Cafe at Festival Foods South in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Stop by and say hello to Steve and I, and pick up a book!

Had a very nice time at the Hero’s Cafe book signing. Steve and I both met with many wonderful folks who purchased books and shared some great conversation.



On October 3rd, 2024 I will be at Donovan Scherer’s Studio Moonfall in Kenosha, Wisconsin signing copies of all of my books, from noon till 3pm. Stop by!


Joann and I had a very good time chatting with readers and visiting with Donovan at his nice little shop.




August 3rd, 2024 the Kenosha Area Vietnam Vets will be holding their annual fundraiser, which provides funds for KAVV operations, and other local organizations. Joe will be helping out and donating copies of his books for raffle prizes. Food, fun, music, raffles, always a good time.

Our fundraiser was a huge success, many funds were raised for our group and local charities. The weather was great, and we dedicated the event to one of our members who recently passed.



Joe has been selected as the Kenosha Kingfish baseball team’s Veteran of the Game for July 31, 2024. The game is at 6:30 at Simmons Field, 7817 Sheridan Rd, Kenosha, Wisconsin, stop by!

We had a great time at the Kingfish game, Joe was honored and humbled by the reception from everyone there.




As a Stars and Stripes Honor Flight Ambassador, Joe will help greet veterans and families of returning Honor Flight veterans during the months of May, June, Sept, Oct and Nov, 2024.

It was another rewarding year, greeting Veterans returning from their Honor Flights, and their family and friends at the Milwaukee airport.



Joe will be making another appearance, signing copies of all of his books at the Bowls & Books festival at the Rhodes Theater in Kenosha, Wisconsin on March 27, 2024. Joe will be there from 11am to 1pm.

Another great event at the Rhodes. Many people came in for soup, and many stopped by to chat and pick up books.




On Monday, March 25th, 2024 Joe will be speaking at the monthly meeting of Kenosha’s Navy Ship 40.

He will also be signing copies of all of his books.

I had a great time with all the shipmates of Kenosha’s Navy Club. They were very welcoming and enjoyed my presentation. Hope to visit again soon.



Joe will be at American Legion Post 21, Saturday, Feb, 24, 2024, at the Chili Cookoff signing copies of all of his books.


The Chili Cookoff was a great event, many funds were raised for local causes, and many people visited my book table.


On Thursday, Oct 12, 2023 I will be participating in the Lovell Federal Health Care Center Creative Arts Festival, at the College of Lake County, Illinois. I will be speaking and signing copies of all of my books. The event starts at 1 PM.

I had a very nice time at the Creative Arts Festival, speaking at the event and signing copies of my books. There were many fine pieces of artwork on display, along with many nice musical performances and poetry readings.



On Saturday, Aug 26th I will be at the annual fundraiser for the Kenosha Area Vietnam Vets, one of the Veteran groups I belong to.

I will also be donating books.

We had a great turnout at the fundraiser, and a great time was had by all. Many of the funds will be donated to local charities.



*On Wednesday, June 25th I will be at Hospice Alliance facility in Kenosha, between 12 noon and 1:00, signing copies of all of my books. A contribution from sales, will be made to the Hospice organization.

Had a very nice Wednesday afternoon with fellow authors and veterans Steve Tindall, Carl Bogar, the Honor Flight folks and the wonderful staff at Hospice Alliance.




On May 20th, 2023 Joe will be a member of the Honor Flight to Washington D.C., accompanied by his son Billy.

The Honor Flight was fantastic, overwhelming, and humbling. I am in debt to all of the volunteers, donors and supporters who made it all happen. I’m also in debt to my son Billy for hanging with me and listening to all of my stories for the whole day. I’m also in debt to my daughter JoAnn for her unending support, daughter-in-law Jessica, and loving grandchildren John and Lucy as well. And all of the other family and friends who encouraged me to go, and sent letters of support.

It was a great day.



May 13th to the 17th Joe will be at the Wounded Warriors of Wisconsin “On the Water” event on Plum Lake in Sayner, Wisconsin. This is made possible by the generous resort owners and many local business’s and individual citizens. Joe will be accompanied by his daughter JoAnn.

JoAnn and I had an excellent time at the “On The Water” event. Many thanks to Wounded Warriors of Wisconsin, all of the supporters, contributors and guides…and to the owners of The Woodlands Resort, in Sayner, Wisconsin.



On March 29th Joe will be signing copies of all of his books, between 11AM and 1PM at the Bowls & Books event at the Rhode Theater in downtown Kenosha

I had a very enjoyable time at the Bowls & Books event. The event was well attended and many folks stopped by to pick up a book and chat.


On Sunday, October 1st 2022, I will be with Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin for the Racine County Veteran’s Stand Down. I will be there from 10 AM till 2 in the afternoon, signing copies of all of my books.

This was a fantastic event, great location, great vendors, and many many Veterans enjoyed the day, myself included!




On Thursday, September 22nd, I will be participating in the Veterans Creative Arts Festival at The Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center. This event highlights the artwork, creative writing, and musical talents of area veterans.

The event was very nice, I enjoyed speaking to everyone in attendance. I also enjoyed all the nice folks who stopped by to pick up a book.

The music and artwork were fantastic!



On Sunday, August 28th I will be at Donovan Scherer’s Studio Moonfall from 10 AM to 2 in the afternoon, at the Kenosha Book Festival. I will be signing copies of all of my books. 🙂


JoAnn and I had a very nice time meeting folks and signing copies of my books at Kenosha Book Festival 2022. Looking forward to the next one!





On Wednesday morning, Friday morning, Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon July 20th, 22nd, 23rd and 24th 2022, I will be at the Kenosha Airport with the CAF AirPower History Tour. The CAF will be displaying and flying passengers in their B-24 and B-29 bomber aircraft.

The B-29 is featured prominently in my book Three Wars. I will be signing copies of Three Wars and all of my books.


Had a great three days at the CAF Air show, many folks stopped to chat and pick up books.




On Sunday, July 3rd, 2022 It is Red/White day at the Kenosha Kingfish Baseball stadium.  I will be at the game, signing copies of all of my books. I will be in the concourse. Come by for some great baseball and stop by my book table!

The game starts at 5, but come early to get a good seat!

We had a great time at the game. It was a sellout and many people stop by to chat and pick up books. Our whole family was there, celebrating Grandson John’s birthday.



On June 15, 2022 I will be at Hospice Alliance in Kenosha, Wisconsin for their Employee Education Day. I will be offering copies of all of my books with fellow author Steve Tindall.

****Joe has had to back out of this event, due to a more pressing event which he must attend that day, but wishes to participate with Hospice in the future.



On May 28,2022, from 10AM to 3PM, I will be at the Veteran’s Assistance Fair, at Memorial Hall, 72-7th St, Racine, Wisconsin. There will be several Veteran Service Officers available to assist veterans with a variety of issues.

I will be signing copies of all of my books.


JoAnn and I had a great time at the Expo, many thanks to those who set it up, and all those who stopped by.




From May 14th through May 21st, 2022 I will be at the Wounded Warriors United of Wisconsin, Northwoods Adventure. I will be a guest of the program, and will also be signing copies of all of my books throughout the event. This is a great week of fishing and enjoyment with other Veterans.

All of the veterans and their families had a great week at the Woodlands Resort on Plum Lake. Many thanks to the proprietors of the resort, and many thanks to Otto and Vicki Reetz who provided the picnic and resources for the event.











On Saturday, March 19th, 2022 I will be at Kenosha Military Surplus, from noon to 4, signing copies of my books for THE VIETNAM EXPERIENCE event. Looking forward to seeing many veterans and non-veterans alike at this interesting and educational event. An event with discussion, artifacts and history.

Had a great afternoon at Historic Military Impressions, many nice people stopped by to pick up books and chat!




On February 26, 2022, I will be at American Legion Post 21 in Kenosha, Wisconsin from 12 noon till 4, signing books at the annual Chili Cookoff. Stop by for some great chili and visit with me and fellow local author Steve Tindall.

It was a great day at the chili cookoff. A large number of people visited the post all day. Some of the funds were donated to Badger Boys & Girls college funds. I signed many copies of my books and visited with many of the nice people who stopped by.





On Saturday, Feb 19, 2022 I will be at American Legion Post 21 for the 2022 Military Collectables Show will be from 8AM-3PM om February 19th 2022, at the American Legion Post 21 in downtown Kenosha, for the public to Buy-Sell-Trade any Military memorabilia. There will be several Military and Collectables Dealers. Admission is $1.

I will be there signing copies of all of my books, along with author Steve Tindall

Had a very nice day, signing books and visiting with all the exhibitors and fine folks who came by.






On Feb 10, 2022 I will be at the Veteran’s Cafe at Malicki’s Piggly Wiggly, 5201-Washington Ave., Racine Wisconsin from 8:30 am to 11, signing copies of all of my books.


We had a great day visiting with and speaking to Veterans at the cafe. I signed many copies of my books.























On December 4th and 5th, 2021 American Legion Post 21 in Kenosha, Wisconsin will be having an open house. I will be there on Saturday the 4th, between 10 and 3 PM, signing copies of all of my books.

The open house will continue on Sunday from noon to 4 PM.

Local author Steve Tindall will also be there. Local author Richard Bell will be there on the 5th.

We had a great weekend at the Legion, daughter JoAnn recited my poem Sweet Bird of Youth, and did a fantastic job.




















On Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2021, from three to five I will be again at the Pollard Gallery in Kenosha, Wisconsin signing books.

Local authors Steve Tindall and Richard Bell, will also be there signing copies of their books.


We had a great afternoon at the Pollard Gallery!













October 25 through October 30, 2021 I will be on a book tour in Fort Smith, Arkansas. I will host some book signings and visit with my publisher, author Joyce Faulkner who has written a book centered around Fort Smith’s Garrison Avenue. My wife and daughter, who co-hosts my book events, will be with me. We will also visit a local theater group, and some other attractions.

We had a great time in Arkansas, we visited with many readers, saw many wonderful sites and had a great book signing at Bookish, in Fort Smith. Thanks owed to Joyce Faulkner and the Red Engine Press!

















On September 11, 2021, from two to four in the afternoon, I will be signing books at the Pollard Gallery in downtown Kenosha, Wisconsin, Come down and check out some of the beautiful artwork at Pollard, and pick-up a copy of my newest book!


JoAnn and I had a great afternoon at The Pollard Gallery, signing books and visiting with readers. A donation to Tuesday’s Children, was made with some proceeds from the event.
















On Saturday, Sept 4th, 2021, during the Kenosha Classic Car Show,  I will be in front of Mike Bjorn’s Fine Clothing offering copies of my books. This is a great car show, come on down! 🙂


Due to rain, we held the book signing at our American Legion Post, where a pancake and porky breakfast was being served. My daughter JoAnn and I had a great day, I signed many books and many people stopped by.

















On Friday, August 20, 2021 I will be holding a book signing for my new book On War, Fishing and Philosophy at the Hero’s Cafe at Festival Foods South in Kenosha, Wisconsin.


Note: 10% of all proceeds will be donated to Safe Harbor, in Kenosha, WI in honor of Mary Domes who recently passed away. Mary was one of the founders of the Hero’s Cafe.


Had a really great turn-out and great day. A check will be sent to Safe Harbor in Mary’s name.









On Wednesday, July 21, 2021 at 10 AM I will be on the Lenny Palmer show on WLIP 1050 AM, discussing my new book On War, Fishing and Philosophy


(Had a great time with Lenny!)


The show will be re-aired, Monday, Aug 2nd, around ten am



On Wednesday June 17, 2021 I will be at Hospice Alliance in Kenosha, Wisconsin discussing the needs of veterans in Hospice care. Hospice Alliance makes a great effort at providing comfort to Veterans and all those who are nearing the end of their time.

Books will be offered to those requesting.


**Had a very good afternoon at Hospice Alliance, with fellow veterans Steve Tindall, Zack Zdroik, and Stevan Nelson.
























On May 17th, 2021 I will be hosting and speaking at the 1st Annual Veterans Northwoods Venture banquet. The event involves a weeks stay at The Woodlands Resort in Sayner, Wisconsin.

Woodlands Resort will host many Wisconsin military veterans for a one week stay, to include guided fishing trips. Many local and state vendors are contributing to the event. I will also be contributing copies of The Kansas NCO Trilogy.


*I had an excellent time at the Woodlands resort, with the Wounded Warriors of Wisconsin. I enjoyed speaking with them very much, and hope to see them again.






*Most events are again on hold due to Covid-19. I may have some events via ZOOM at some time in the future. Thank you for all of your interest and support.




Navy Club Ship 40 Kenosha

September 28, 2020 I will be speaking at the monthly gathering of Kenosha’s Navy club. Topic to be on the Vietnam War and my three books, The Kansas NCO trilogy.

(COVID recommended safe practices will be in use)


*I had a great time visiting with this group. We had a spirited discussion on my book The Kansas NCO.








~ Joe



Magazine Article

The spring 2020 edition of Imagine magazine has featured an article on the movie project for The Kansas NCO. It is on page 32, 33.



Book Signing

Notice! Because of the Corona virus issue, this event has been postponed, and all future events have been put on hold.

March 25, 2020 I will be signing books at the 20th Annual Bowls & Books event at the Rhodes Theater, 514 56th St, Kenosha, WI. I will be there from 11 AM till 1PM. Stop and have a great bowl of soup from one of the many fine Kenosha restaurants, and stop by my book table and say hello!








Book Signing

On Feb 29, 2020 I was honored to help out with the fundraiser for the VFW post in Rockport, Texas, which had been destroyed by Hurricane Harvey in 2017. I donated many books to the raffle and all proceeds went to the fundraiser.












Guest Speaker

February 17, 2020 I will be speaking at the Quarterly meeting of the Kenosha, Wisconsin National Association of Federal Retired Employees. I will be signing books as well.



Had a very nice morning with this group, great bunch of people!







Fund Raiser

January 26, 2020 I will be signing books at my American Legion Post 21 in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The event is for one of our stricken members, Jon Sutter, who has cancer. There will be food, raffles and a bake sale. Fellow author Steve Tindall will also be there. All proceeds from our book sales will be donated to the cause. Please stop by if you can.  504-58th St, Kenosha.


The fund raiser was a great event, many attended and supported Jon’s even.






**Fall/winter 2019: Joe will be taking some time off to work on the film project and research future articles, new events will be posted as they develop. About once a month, new articles will be posted on Joe’s blog. Thanks for all the support!


Book Signing

November 9, 2019 I will be at the 4th Annual Veterans Art Show at the Pollard Gallery in Kenosha, Wisconsin. I will be signing copies of all of my books and taking in all of the great artwork.


I had a great evening, taking in the artwork, signing books meeting many nice people.







Speaking Engagement

October 18, 2019 I will be speaking to students at Abbott Middle School in Waukegan, Illinois. I will speak about the writing process as well as my experiences during the Vietnam War.


I had a great time with the students at Abbot, they were kind and enthusiastic during the discussion.










Book Signing

Aug 31, 2019, 9AM – 4PM, In front of Bjorn’s Clothing store, downtown Kenosha

During the downtown Kenosha classic car show, I will be signing copies of all of my books.

Stop by Bjorn’s Clothing and say hello!

The auto show was great, over two thousand grand old buggies in attendance! Great day signing books and speaking to people with my daughter JoAnn. Thanks again to Brett Bjorn for providing a great space in front of his store.



Book Signing and Speaking Engagement

July 24, 2019, 5 – 7PM, American Legion Post 587, Toledo, Ohio

I will be speaking at the post on “Burger, Brat and Beer night to the American Legion Post and Legion Riders. I will be signing copies of all of my books.

I had a great evening speaking and signing books at the post in Toledo, Ohio. Thanks much to everyone there.





Book Signing at the Moving Wall

May 16 – May 20th, 2019 – Pritchard Park, Racine, Wisconsin

The Moving Wall, the replica of the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C. will be at Pritchard Park in Racine Wisconsin in May of 2019. There will be many activities during the 4 day event.

I will be there signing copies of all of my books.

Had a very nice weekend at the Wall. There was a nice ceremony Friday evening and many fine events. Spoke with many people and signed many books.




Book Signing at Rhodes Center for the Arts

March 27, 2019 – Kenosha, Wisconsin

Please stop by Rhodes Center for the Arts in Kenosha, Wisconsin on March 27,2019. There will be many excellent restaurants there featuring their finest soup.

I wll be there from 11 AM till 1 PM signing copies of all of my books.

Had an excellent day at the Rhodes with daughter JoAnn, meeting folks and signing books.


Guest Speaker at Boys & Girls Club of Kenosha, Wisconsin

January 24, 2019 – Kenosha, Wisconsin

On Thursday, January 24, 2019 I will be speaking to a youth group at the Boys & Girls Club of Kenosha, Wisconsin. I will speak to them about my experiences with the youth of Vietnam when I served there during the Vietnam War. I will also discuss the writing process with them.

I had an amazing afternoon with all the youngsters and staff at the Boys & Girls Club of Kenosha!




Book Signing at Hero’s Cafe, Festival Foods North

December 19, 2018 – Kenosha, Wisconsin

On December 19, 2018 I will be at the Hero’s Cafe at Festival Foods North in Kenosha, Wisconsin signing copies of all of my books. Stop by!

Had a very enjoyable morning at the Hero’s Cafe!






Veterans Art Show, The Pollard Gallery

November 3rd, 2018 – Kenosha, Wisconsin

On Saturday, November 3rd, 2018, I will be at the Veterans Art Show at The Pollard Gallery in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Come enjoy all of the artwork submitted by local veterans! I will be signing copies of my books during the event.

There was great deal of nice artwork at the show, we had a good time meeting folks and signing books.



Veteran’s Radio

September 9th, 5 PM Eastern time, 4 PM Central time

On Sunday September 9th, 5 PM Eastern time, 4 PM Central time I will be on Veteran’s Radio speaking about The Kansas NCO Trilogy. Tune in if you can!

I had a great time on Veteran’s radio today. Thanks much to Dale Thornberry and all the folks at the radio station.


Pollard Gallery

September 8th – Downtown Kenosha, Wisconsin

On Saturday September 8th I will be at the Pollard Gallery in downtown Kenosha signing copies of my books during the Second Saturday events. I will be there from 6 PM to 9 PM.


Was accompanied by my daughter JoAnn, and we both had a great evening at the Pollard Gallery art show. Signed books and met many nice people!


Taking a brief pause from my schedule for summer activities with family. Thanks for all of the kind emails I have received for my new book Three Wars. ~Joe


Book Signing at the 8th Annual Run for Sam

July 14, 2018 – Princeton, Wisconsin

On Saturday July 14, 2018 I will be holding a book signing at the 8th Annual Run For Sam run/walk event at the VFW in Princeton, Wisconsin. The race starts at the post at 8 AM and race proceeds go to scholarships to young people in the are pursuing a medical career.


>Had a great day at Sam’s Marathon. Looking forward to it next year, July 13, 2019! All proceeds from today’s book sales went to the marathon cause of scholarships for local students in the health care field. Proud to be a part of this every year.


Book Signing at Hero’s Cafe, Festival Foods

June 22, 2018 – Kenosha, Wisconsin

On Friday June 22, 2018 I will be having a book signing at the Hero’s Cafe at Festival Foods in Kenosha, Wisconsin. I will have copies of my new book Three Wars, and also The Kansas NCO and Back to The World.

>I had an excellent day at the Hero’s Cafe. Many people visited and I signed many copies of all of my books.



Book Signing at Veteran Artists & Crafters Expo, Highground Memorial Park

June 16, 2018 – Neillsville, Wisconsin

On Saturday, June 16, 2018 I will be signing books at the Veteran Artists & Crafters Expo at The Highground Memorial Park in Neillsville, Wisconsin

>The ceremonies and expo was great at the Highground, I enjoyed signing books and talking with many others who visited.


Book Signing at 12th Annual Tactical Fighter Wing Reunion

April of 2018 – Tucson

In April of 2018 I will be in Tucson at the annual reunion of the 12th Tactical Fighter Wing; the unit I served under during my tour of duty in Vietnam. I will also be signing books during the reunion.

>Had a great reunion and book signing tour; looking forward to the next one!


Guest Speaker at Kenosha Kiwanis Club Meeting

February 21, 2018 – Kenosha, Wisconsin

On February 21, 2018 I have been invited to speak at the Kenosha Kiwanis Club meeting.

>Had a great time speaking and signing books; the Kiwanis club does much to benefit our community.


I was graciously invited to make a return trip to Vietnam in mid-February 2018 with Kenosha Area Vietnam Vets founder Pete R.

Due to prior commitments I will not be able to make the trip, however I am grateful for the wonderful invitation. Maybe next year, Pete!


Guest Speaker at the Veteran’s Homecoming, Rhodes Theater

November 18th, 2017 – Kenosha, Wisconsin

On Saturday Nov 18th, 2017 I have been invited to speak and hold a book signing at the Veteran’s Homecoming event at the Rhodes Theater in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

>Had a great day of speaking and signing books at the Rhodes Theater. Nice crowd and fun event


Book Signing at the Veteran’s Art Show, Pollard Gallery

November 11th, 2017 – Kenosha, Wisconsin

2nd Annual Veterans Art Show Opening and Reception

On Veteran’s Day Nov 11th, 2017 I have been invited to hold a book signing at the Veteran’s Art Show at The Pollard Gallery in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

>The Pollard Gallery Veteran’s Art show was fantastic. I signed many books and met many fine people and enjoyed all the very nice artwork.


Book Signing at the Blue Knights Annual Convention

July 17th, 2017 – Milwaukee, Wisconsin

On July 17 I will be signing books at the Blue Knights annual Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

>I had a great day signing books and meeting members of the Blue Knights. They are a great bunch!


Guest Speaker at The Pollard Gallery Bowls and Books

March 29, 2017 – Kenosha, Wisconsin

On Wednesday March 29, 2017 I will be discussing my writing and signing books at The Pollard Gallery Bowls and Books event in downtown Kenosha, Wisconsin.

>Had a great time meeting folks and signing books at The Rhodes Center for the Arts. Great soup and great artwork!


Book Signing at the Annual Racine Gun Show

February 25th, 2017 – Sturtevant, Wisconsin

Saturday February 25th, 2017 from 9 AM to 5 PM I will be signing books at the annual Racine Gun Show in Sturtevant, Wisconsin. The show is at Fountain Banquet Hall.

>Had a fine time signing books and meeting folks at the show!


(Took a pause in my busy schedule to catch up on some writing projects; will resume speaking engagements and book signings come spring)


Book Signing at Tenuta’s Delicatessen

December 10th, 2016 – Kenosha, Wisconsin

On Saturday December 10th, 2016 I will be signing copies of The Kansas NCO and Back To the World at world famous Tenuta’s Delicatessen in Kenosha, WI 3203-52nd St. The event will take place from 10 AM to 2 Pm.

>Had a great day at Tenuta’s Deli signing copies of my books and meeting new readers.


Guest Speaker at the Exchange Club

November 15, 2016 – Kenosha, Wisconsin

On Tuesday, November 15, 2016 I have been invited to speak to members of the Exchange Club of Kenosha, Wisconsin. I will be discussing my writing, as well as my experience in Vietnam while serving in the U.S. Air Force.

>Had a very nice evening with this fine group of people who do some very important work.



My grandchildren, Lucy and John.

Guest Speaker at Grewenow Elementary School

Kenosha, Wisconsin

On Veterans Day I am privileged at having been invited to be a speaker at Grewenow Elementary school in Kenosha, Wisconsin for their morning Veteran’s Day program.

In the afternoon my grandson John invited me to attend a Veteran’s celebration at his school in Cedarburg, Wisconsin!

>Note: Had a fantastic time at both events!


14086211_628951930598331_8295657699896600369_oBook Signing at The Pollard Gallery

November 12th, 2016 – Kenosha, Wisconsin

On Saturday, November 12th, 2016 I will be signing copies of my books at The Pollard Gallery in Kenosha, Wisconsin from 5 – 9PM. It will be part of the 1st Annual Veterans Art Show.


Judy and Pat from the Pollard Gallery


>Was a great event, thanks all who attended!






14445171_10210969635947857_6177362584913195668_oGuest Speaker at the Veterans Celebration, Veterans Office

November 5th, 2016 – Kenosha, Wisconsin

On Saturday, November 5th, 2016, I will be discussing the writing process at the Veterans Celebration at the Veterans office in Kenosha.

>Was a great day visiting and speaking with veterans.


Guest on The Empress of Biz Radio Show

August 31st, 10 AM Eastern time

I am delighted to be the scheduled guest on “The Empress of Biz” Radio Show, hosted by JoAnn Forrester. The show will be on Wednesday August 31st, 10 AM Eastern time.

>Enjoyed my time on JoAnn’s show very much!


Book Signing at the Annual Kenosha Area Vietnam Vets (KAVV) Fundraiser, Cheers Bar

August 13th, 2016 – Kenosha, Wisconsin

I will be signing books at the annual Kenosha Area Vietnam Vets (KAVV) fund raiser at Cheers Bar, in Kenosha, WI August 13th, 2016 noon – four.

>Was a great day at the fund raiser!


Book Signing the 2016 Wisconsin American Legion State Convention

July 15th and 16th, 2016 – Middleton, Wisconsin

I will be signing copies of my books at the 2016 Wisconsin American Legion State Convention in Middleton, WI July 15, and 16th.

>Great conference; met a lot of fine people and signed many copies of my books.


Book Signing at the Hero’s Cafe, Festival Foods

May 13th, 2016 – Kenosha, Wisconsin

I will be signing copies of “Back To The World” at the Hero’s Cafe, Festival Foods, 3201-80th St, in Kenosha, WI. May 13, 2016, 9 AM-Noon.

>As always, a great day at the Cafe. Thanks Mary, Angie, Laura!



Miss Kenosha attended my book signing

Book Signing at the Veterans Day Celebration, American Legion Post 21

November 7, 2015 – Kenosha, Wisconsin

I will be signing copies of “The Kansas NCO” at the Veterans Day celebration at American Legion Post 21 in Kenosha, Wisconsin on Saturday, November 7, 2015, from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM.


>A Rewarding day at the legion, visiting with folks and signing books.



Guest Speaker at the National Association of Retired Federal Employees

October 19th – Kenosha, Wisconsin

I will be speaking on and signing copies of my book, “The Kansas NCO” at the bi-monthly seminar of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees on October, 19th in Kenosha, Wisconsin.


Book Signing at Corsicana Air Show

September 26, 2015 – Corsicana, Texas

Book signing for “The Kansas NCO” Saturday, September 26, 2015, Corsicana Air Show, Corsicana, Texas


Saturday, Sunday, June 20, 21, book signing at Benton Harbor, MI “Tribute to Vietnam Veterans”

Saturday, June 13, 6PM, book signing, The Pollard Art Gallery

Saturday, March 28, 2015, book signing at the Vietnam Veterans Day celebration in Eau Claire, WI

Saturday, Jan 31, 2015, book signing at The Brat Stop in Kenosha Wisconsin!


With Miss Illinois







Friday, Oct 3rd, 2014
I will have a book signing event at The Boathouse Bar and Restaurant in Kenosha, Wisconsin from 4 PM – ?

Oct 5-7th, 2014 Writer’s Publishing Workshop, Hershey, Pa, speaker and author’s panel

Oct 16th 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, at Author’s Zone awards ceremony where The Kansas NCO is a finalist for historical fiction